The Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve (BR) is situated in the South-West of Moscow region on the terraced slopes of the left bank of the Oka River Valley. The core area of the biosphere reserve is the Prioksko-Terrasnyi State Nature Reserve. Combination of a typical broad-leaved and mixed forests with an old-growth steppificated pine forest, formed on sands of the terrace above flood-plain is a specific feature of the natural complex of the BR‘s core area. Almost all types of plant communities of the Moscow region are situated on the territory of the BR : from upland bogs till oak forests, from spruce forests till vast floodplain meadow.
Since the 16th century the entire territory of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi BR is transformed under the impact of agricultural production and logging, nevertheless it retains its unique natural features. The territory is underpopulated, within the boundaries of the core area and the buffer zone resides only about 260 people, despite the fact that the boundary of the Big Moscow is only 30 km away from the BR boundary.
The territory of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi BR is widely used in scientific and educational purposes. An average touristic attendance of the core area is about 40-60 thousands of visitors.
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The Prioksko-Terrasnyi BR